Journal Your Word of the Year Annual Workshop
You’ve chosen your word of the year, now what? It's a great idea to have your word up in front of you, but to make it even more meaningful, this journaling practice will keep your word present throughout the year.
With guided prompts you will work through the definition of your word, and what it means to you, and set your intentions for the year.
You will receive:
Three e-mail prompts a month:
on the 1st with the monthly theme, journaling prompts, and mission for the month
on the 15th to nudge you. Including a voice note, (starting December 2023) and self-care prompt
on or about the 27th with prompts to reflect on the month
A weekly Tarot spread every Sunday, with prompts to reflect on the week ahead.(starting end of December 2023)
A monthly journaling co-working session on the 1st Sunday of the month (starting January 2024)
Each month we will set goals, then work on how your word will support you.
Are there any quotes that are very meaningful right now?
Is there a book or books you will read to support you this month?
What music will you listen to that is in tune with your word and your goals?
We’ll finish off the month by reflecting on how you lived your word, before moving on to the following month. We’ll have a running chat in the Substack app so that we can support each other on this journey.
Finally, at the end of the year, we reflect on how your year went, and you'll be ready to choose a word for the following year!
This mindful practice is great for artists, creatives, coaches, small business women, influencers, bloggers, or anyone who wants to make sure they are really weaving their word into their life throughout the year.
You can pay monthly or annually for access to this workshop when you sign up for a paid subscription.